Wednesday, 10 September 2014

How To Use Normal Internet Packs on BlackBerry

How To Use Normal Internet Packs on BlackBerry
BlackBerry is one of popular Company of India to manufacture Smartphones.The Blackberry Phones are specially create for Business use and most of Business mens use their Phones.But many Normal Peoples also use their Phones.If you're one of them,You may know that Blackberry doesn't allow you to use normal Internet Plans on Blackberry Phones.You can't use the Normal Internet Plans on your BlackBerry Phones because Blackberry has provided an special service called Blackberry Internet Service which allow us to use Internet on Blackberry Phones.But it is very costs very high as compared other normal Internet Plans.So today I'm sharing an article to How to use normal Internet Plans on Blackberry Phones.You can use the Normal Internet Plan on your Blackberry Phone by following below steps and remember that you can't use the Blackberry's own Apps like BBM,Email Push Service,Blackberry Browser etc. on Normal Internet Plans.

Using the Normal Internet Plans,You can't use the Blackberry own Apps like BBM and Blackberry Browser on your blackberry Phone.If you really want to use these apps on your Blackberry Phones then you should buy Blackberry Internet Plans.But if you want to use Apps like UC Browser,Whatsapp,Facebook,Twitter etc. then its very useful trick for you.You can use the normal Internet plans on your Blackberry Phones by following below steps.

Requirements to use Normal Internet Plans on Blackberry Phones :

Sim Card with Normal 2G Internet Pack
Blackberry Phone
Apps which you want to use like UC Browser

If you're ready to use Normal Internet Plans on your Blackberry Phones then follow the below steps.

Steps to use Normal Internet Plans on Blackberry Phones :

1. Recharge your Mobile Number with any Normal 2G Internet Plan.If you're already purchased the Normal 2G Internet Plan then skip this step.
2. Go to BlackBerry Menu.
3.  Click on Options and then click on Advanced Options.
4. Click on TCP/IT.
5. Now In APN Field,Type APN of your Operator.You can get APN of your Service Provider by calling Customer Care or APN of some popular Mobile Network Operators are given below.

Airtel  -
Vodafone – www
Idea - internet , imis
Aircel – aircelwap , aircelgprs
Uninor -Uninor ( U Must be written in Capital Letter )
Videocon –
BSNL – bsnlnet
Reliance – rcomnet, smarinet , rcomwap
Virgin Mobile - vinternet
Loop Mobile - www

For More APN's Visit Here or Call Customer Care of your Network Operator.

Now after entering the APN,Leave all other Fields Empty and Save the Settings.

Note : You cannot the Blackberry's Own Apps like BBM and Blackberry Browser on your Blackberry Phones using Normal Internet Plans.You can only use these Apps on Wi-Fi or by purchasing Blackberry Internet Service Plans.You can surf the Internet on your Blackberry Phones using third party Browsers like UC Browser and Opera Mini.

Now you can use the Normal Internet Plans on your BlackBerry Phones.If you have any doubt about using Normal Internet Plans on Blackberry Phones Comment below.I will solve your Problems and doubts as soon as possible.If you found article helpful then share it with your Friends.

1 comment:

  1. Black Berry platform is dead.. iPhone started the hunt, where as Android killed it.. BlackBerry could not evolved to the demands of the customer.. They could not become the platform for all, rich or poor, business or personal users..

    I wonder, who even use black berry now a days ??
