Saturday, 6 September 2014

How to Turn Your Pc/Laptop into Wi-Fi Hotspot

Turn Your Pc into a Wi-Fi HotspotIn these days,Almost every Person want to use Internet on their Phones and Computers.So today I'm sharing an article to How to Turn your PC into Wi-Fi Hotspot.There are many Applications are available For Windows 7 and Windows 8 to Turn PC into Wi-Fi Hotspot But you can easily turn your PC into Wi-FI Hotspot by using an Application called 'MyPublicWifi'.This application is Freeware and available for free on official Website.You can download the application easily without paying any Money.If you want to turn your Pc or laptop into a Wi-Fi Hotspot then follow the steps below.

Requirements To Turn PC/Laptop into Wi-Fi Hotspot :

  • A PC or Laptop
  • MyPublicWifi Application
  • Your Pc Should Run on Windows 7,Windows 8 or Windows 8.1.

How To Turn Your Pc or Laptop Into Wi-Fi Hotspot :

You can turn your PC into a Wi-Fi Hotspot by using an application called 'MyPublicWiFi'.This application is Freeware and available for Windows 7,Windows 8 and Windows 8.1.

1. First of all,Download the 'MyPublicWifi' for your Pc or Laptop by Clicking Here.
2. Install it on your PC or Laptop and don't forget to restart to PC after installation is completed.
3. Now right-click on 'MyPublicWifi' icon from Desktop and then click on 'Run as Administrator' to run the Application as Administrator.
4. Now click on 'Stop Hotspot' button.
5. Now click on 'Automatic Hotspot Configuration'.

How To Create Wi-Fi Hotspot in Windows 7 and Windows 8

6. In Network Name(SSID) Field,Enter the Name of your Wi-Fi Hotspot.
7. In Network Key Field,Enter the Password of your Wi-Fi Hotspot.
8. After completing all above steps,Click on 'Set up and Start Hotspot' button.

Now you can use your Pc or Laptop Internet on your Phones and other Devices.You can see the list of connected Devices by clicking on 'Clients tab.You can Manage your Wi-Fi Hotspot by selecting 'Management' tab.

Now you can turn your PC or laptop into a Wi-Fi Hotspot by following all above steps.If you face any problem or have any doubt then comment below.If you found this article helpful then share it with your Friends.

1 comment:

  1. Simple tool for private use. If you decide to create public wifi and be able to control and manage user access, this app can help
