Main Features Of BlackBerry Messenger(BBM):
1. Send and receive unlimited messages and music files.2. Make video calls.
3. Share photos,videos and other media with multiple contacts at once.
4. Share location.
5. Create and join groups.
For More BlackBerry Messenger Features Please Visit Official Site Of BlackBerry Messenger By Clicking Here.
How To Download And Use BlackBerry Messenger On Pc:
1. Download and extract Android SDK bundle on any folder by clicking here.
2. Download and extract BlackBerry Messenger(BBM) APK by clicking here.
3. Go to Extracted ADT Bundle folder >> Open SDK Manager >> Select Tools >> Manager AVDs.
4. Create a new AVD(Android Virtual Device) and open it.
Note: RAM is greater than 512 MB in 4th step.
5. Copy and paste Downloaded BBM.apk file to Extracted Folder/SDK/Platform-Tools.
6. Now Open Extracted Folder/SDK/Platform-Tools
7. Select File >> Open Command Prompt within opened folder.
8. Enter below command in command prompt.
adb install BBM.apk9. Now command Prompt will start installing BlackBerry Messenger on your virtual device.
10. Open BlackBerry Messenger(BBM) from App Launcher and Enjoy BBM on your computer for free.
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