Thursday, 2 October 2014

5 Best Tactics To Increase Traffic of New Blog

There are thousands of Blog are created daily on Internet and every newbie Blogger want to increase traffic to earn Money.But increasing Traffic of new Blog is not very easy task because Search Engines like Authority Sites than New Sites.So today I'm sharing 5 Best Tactics to increase traffic of newly created Blogs.One week ago,I created a new Blog and after applying these Tactics,My Blog's traffic was start increasing very fast.So if you really want to increase traffic of new Blogs then you should apply the tactics correctly otherwise your Traffic will never increase.I also use Tactics on this Blog and my Traffic was doubled within one Month.

5 Best Tactics To Increase Traffic of New Blog :

1. Update your Blog Daily :

This is very good Tactic to increase Traffic of new Blog quickly because Search Engines like Google loves updated Content.So if you'll start updating your Blog daily then your Traffic will automatically start increasing.This will also increase Index Rate of your Blog your Readers will start loving your Blog.This will also improve Alexa Ranking of your Blog.

2. Link Building :

Link Building is very difficult part of Blogging.If your Blog don't have Backlinks then you should stop expecting Traffic from Google because Google use Backlinks as factor while ranking Sites.You should start building Backlinks for your new Blog to increase traffic.You can make Backlinks by Commenting on other Blogs.You can also make Backlinks by checking out these 5 Ways to Make Backlinks easily.You should Build 5-10 Backlinks daily to increase visibility of your Blog in Search Engines.After making the Backlinks,You can them by using these Backlinks Checker Tools.

3. Sharing Posts :

Sharing your Posts on Social Media Sites like Facebook and Twitter is very good Tactic to increase Traffic.But you should have good relations with Friends to increase Traffic otherwise Sharing Content is just waste of time.Sharing your Post will also increase Backlinks of your Blog that will help your Blog to get better ranking on Search Engines.I recommend you to share your posts four times a day on Social Media Sites.It will make your Blog popular on Social Media Sites.

4. Share Infographics :

Sharing Infographics on new Blog is very tactic to increase Blog traffic.You just need to create a beautiful Infographic and publish it on your Blog.After that Share your Inforgraphic on Social Media Sites.The Infographics will drive huge Traffic to your Blog from Social Media Sites and Search Engines.If you don't know about creating Infographics then you should hire someone from Freelancer.Infographics will also increase Backlinks of your Blog and your Blog will start getting huge Traffic from Search Engines.

5. Start Commenting on Others Blogs :

You should start commenting on other Bloggers Blogs.It will help you to increase your Blog Traffic faster.It will also increase Backlinks of your Blog which are mandatory for getting Traffic from Search Engines.This will also make your Blog popular among other Bloggers.

Conclusion :

These are 5 Best Tactics to increase Traffic of new Blogs.If you know about any Tactic to increase Blog then please share with us on Comments.I will response to your Comments as soon as possible.

1 comment:

  1. Great tips! I have only been blogging a few months so this info is helpful. Thanks
